photo by PiggyBank

Maybe you’re fortunate enough to have insurance that covers my services, but chances are high that you don’t.

The irony is, preventative healthcare like a nutrition plan is much less costly to insurance companies and the public health care system than medical leave, various surgeries and life-threatening pathologies. With the mounting exhorbitant costs that are straining our public health care system, I am hoping preventative health care services such as mine will soon be given the credit they deserve in helping prevent strain of the PHCS.

Good News

Canadians: Did you know that ManulifeiA Financial GroupGreenShield CanadaEquitable Life Insurance, ClaimSecure Inc. and Blue Cross Alberta recognize the services of NNCPs (Natural Nutrition Coaches and Practitioners) and RNTs (Registered Nutritional Therapists)? As well, SunLife now offers some employers a Personal Spending Account within which Nutrition Counseling is covered.

Review Your Insurance Package Carefully

If you already have a health insurance plan with one of these companies, great! But don’t assume all types of nutrition credentials will be covered. You must verify that they cover the services of NNCPs and RNTs. (This applies if your plan already includes nutrition or nutritional counseling services. Note: if the plan only includes nutritional counseling by a Registered Dietitian (RD) you will NOT get coverage of my services.)

Was Your Claim Rejected?

If you bought a prepaid package of sessions from me, remember that most companies won’t accept the receipt I prepared for you. Upon your request, I will prepare a separate receipt for each consultation’s date and value for you to submit each month for gradual reimbursement of my services.

What to Do if Your Provider Does NOT Currently Cover My Services

If your insurance company does not offer a plan that covers nutritional counseling, the best thing you can do is write to them and REQUEST a plan that does cover the service. The more clients that ask for coverage, the more likely they will begin to offer it.

If you would like a pre-scripted letter to personalize and send to your insurance provider, simply email me using my contact form and I will send it to you!

As a member of the Canadian Association of Natural Nutrition Professionals, I can tell you the organization works tirelessly on furthering this cause. But YOU are the key! With your help, in time, more clients will be able to access coverage of our services.

By Andrea

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