Maybe you’ve tried keeping a diet journal, and for a number of reasons, you didn’t Businesswoman Writing In Diarykeep it going.  Here are some common objections and excuses I have heard for avoiding this practice:

“It takes too long.”

“By the end of the day I’m too tired to do it.”

“My day was so hectic that by lunchtime I can’t remember what I had for breakfast.”

“I’m too lazy to do it.”

Then there’s the most honest reason:

“I hate admitting to myself that I ate something I shouldn’t have.”

What if I said that keeping a diet journal is ESSENTIAL to reaching your health and weight goals? That logging your food (and beverage!) consumption is the behaviour that is most important to losing unwanted pounds?

Studies have shown repeatedly that individuals who consistently keep diet journals lose twice as much weight as those who don’t! 

It’s NOT All or Nothing.

Here’s the best news: in these studies, it didn’t matter how ‘perfectly’ the individuals kept their journals. Just the fact that they recorded what they ate and drank on a regular basis lead them to success!

Here are four more great reasons to keep a food diary.

So, if you’ve stopped keeping a journal because you weren’t doing it perfectly or eating perfectly all the time, try again. It could really make the difference in your success!



By Andrea

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