The White Carb You SHOULD eat
White rice, white sugar and white flour products…you’ve heard white carbs are ‘bad’ because: They lack fibre. Their naturally-occurring vitamins…
Andrea Bartels: Registered Nutritional Therapist
Holistic Nutrition Coaching and Education
White rice, white sugar and white flour products…you’ve heard white carbs are ‘bad’ because: They lack fibre. Their naturally-occurring vitamins…
The other day I saw a large sign outside a ‘frozen yogurt’ establishment advertising that their product was a “great…
In Eastern Ontario, berry season is just a couple of weeks away! But what does it mean when you find…
Bean sprouts. Alfalfa sprouts. When is the last time you ate some? Sprouts are a great way to incorporate more…
There have been a lot of health and fitness exhibitor shows in Ottawa lately—but I haven’t been very good with…
In my practice I meet a lot of individuals who are exercising strenuously in effort to lose fat or grow…